Test Render: Choose Type ADAPTIVE SUBDIVISION, Min Rate -1 & Max Rate 0.The lower the Subdivs the less samples per pixel = less quality more speed. One for test renders and one for final renders. Change object lights intensity by selecting them in Rhino and edit their object properties. You constantly need to balance light intensity (between GI,SUN and OBJECT LIGHTS) to make sure lights aren’t over powering each other. For other Lights click the drop down arrow on the RECTANGULAR LIGHT icon.Choose the desired altitude and direction and after clicking OK make sure you place the SUN object in Rhino(location doesn’t matter). To add a SUN click ‘ADD SUNLIGHT SYSTEM’ on Vray Toolbar in Rhino.

Using the drop down menu on the left choose TexSky and Choose which sun you want to reference.

If you want the a more realistic GI environment when using a SUN system open the Texture editor for GI by clicking the m button. If using a SUN, increasing GI will lighten your shadows.Increase the multiplier value, next to the m button, to increase intensity. GI (skylight) is the Global Illumination or atmospheric light (Light from all directions, won’t provide shadow). Use SHUTTER SPEED to control brightness not lights! Lighting is simply a balance between various light sources.Use LENS SHIFT to correct verticals to straight when looking up or down.(Around 50 if no other lights, around 200-300 if using Sun) The higher the value the faster the shutter speed/darker the image. Adjust SHUTTER SPEED to change brightness of image. Make sure ‘PHYSICAL CAMERA ON’ is ticked. Enter approx 600px width and click ‘GET VIEW ASPECT’ (800px and higher is too slow for test render.